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Europe Calling ‘Too inconvenient? How a powerful campaign aims to weaken European civil society’


Recording: Dear friends and supporters, Unbeknownst to most of Europe's citizens, a campaign against European civil society is currently underway. In the European Parliament, the centre-right European People's Party (EPP) is joining forces with right-wing and far-right factions to massively weaken civil society.  Their goal is to prevent NGOs that work for environmental and climate […]

Europe Calling ‘PFAS scandal: Dirty Deal with our health and nature?’


Recording: Dear friends and supporters, Did you hear the news? Last week, the research project ‘Forever Lobbying Project’ uncovered an unprecedented lobbying campaign by the chemical industry. For over a year, 46 journalists from 16 European countries have been investigating the activities of the PFAS industry, which is trying hard to block an EU legislative […]

Europe Calling “Georgia – A country fighting for a future in Europe!”


Recording here: Dear friends! For almost two weeks, hundreds of thousands of people in Georgia have been protesting continuously against Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze's announcement that EU accession talks would be suspended until 2028. In October, Kobakhidze's right-wing party ‘Georgian Dream’, founded and financed by the Russia-friendly oligarch and billionaire Bidzina Ivanishvili, won an absolute […]

Europe Calling on the new EU Commission: “The next chapter – Where is Europe headed? And, who leads it?” with Prof Alberto Alemanno


Recording / Download Slides here Dear friends! Today (27 Nov 2024), the European Parliament has confirmed the new EU Commission led by Ursula von der Leyen. This concludes a five-month-long power struggle and sets Europe on a new path. Where that path leads and who will actually lead the EU on it, is still unclear.  […]

Europe Calling ‘Migration Nordic Style – What does a restrictive immigration policy do to a society?’


Recording: Denmark's migration policy is repeatedly mentioned as a role model not only in the German discussion on migration policy. Denmark stands not alone, but is representative of a trend in the Nordic countries, characterised by repression and restrictions. One reason given for this is that such policies keep right-wing parties small and societies democratic. […]

This is how you can have a say in the new EU Commission


Dear friends and supporters, Today is the day: at 2:30 p.m. CET, the first hearing of the designated members of the new EU Commission will start in the European Parliament. Over the next two weeks, the 26 candidates will answer questions from MEPs in the relevant committees. All hearings will be streamed live online (here) […]

Europe Calling “Israel & Palestine: Pathways to Peace”


Recording & further links: Dear friends! In the aftermath of the terrorist attacks on October 7th 2023 by Hamas and its allies, many European societies and governments stood firmly in grief and solidarity with Israel and the hostages, many of whom are still in the hands of the terrorists. As the war in Gaza and […]

First Meeting of the Permanent European Peoples’ Assembly

Athen & Online

Dear friends! Today, 27 September 2024, 200 randomly selected citizens from all across Europe and beyond come together in Athens to form the first European Peoples’ Assembly. For three days, they are in Athens to participate in discussions that will shape the future of democratic participation in Europe. A diverse group of individuals gathers to […]

Evento online di Power to the People “Tutti a bordo! Come possono le assemblee dei cittadini plasmare le nostre democrazie?”


Registrazione Cari amici, Questo settembre si farà la storia. Duecento partecipanti estratti a sorte, si riuniranno ad Atene per la prima sessione dell'Assemblea dei Popoli per l’Europa. Non si tratta di una proposta temporanea, ma piuttosto di un'istituzione permanente per garantire che i cittadini abbiano sempre voce in capitolo sulle decisioni che contano. Quest’assemblea è […]

Webinaire Power to the People « Tous à bord ! – Comment les assemblées citoyennes peuvent-elles façonner nos démocraties ?”


Chers amis, En septembre prochain, l'histoire va s'écrire! Deux cents Européens choisis par tirage au sort se réuniront à Athènes pour la première session de l'Assemblée des peuples européens. Il ne s'agit pas d'une “bulle démocratique” ponctuelle prête à s’évaporer, mais d'une institution permanente qui garantira que les citoyens aient toujours une place dans le […]

Power-to-the-People Webinar “All aboard! – How can citizen assemblies shape our democracies?”


Recordings in all languages: EN GR DE FR IT PT BG LT PL CZ Dear friends, This September, history will be made. Two hundred randomly selected Europeans will gather in Athens for the first session of the European Peoples’ Assembly. Not as a one-off democratic […]

Europe Calling “La France après les élections – Quel avenir pour l’État de droit, le climat et les droits des femmes ?”


Enregistrement: Chers ami⸱e⸱s, chères personnes intéressées, Personne ne s'y attendait : Les résultats des élections européennes venaient à peine de s’affichersur les écrans que le président de la République française Emmanuel Macron annonçait la dissolution de l'Assemblée nationale et la tenue de nouvelles élections législatives les  30 juin et 7 juillet prochain. Les résultats du […]

Europe Calling “Qual è la sua reale posizione? – Punto di vista italo-tedesco sull’Italia di Giorgia Meloni”


Registrazione: Cari amici, cari interessati! Se la Presidente della Commissione europea Ursula von der Leyen e i conservatori del Partito Popolare Europeo (PPE) facessero di testa loro, il muro contro gli estremisti di destra e i populisti di destra in Europa correrebbe alla destra della Prima Ministra italiana Giorgia Meloni. La von der Leyen conta […]

Webinar Power to the People: “Cosa significano per VOI le elezioni europee?”


È democrazia solo quando la voce del popolo conta davvero. Ma c’è un problema: alle elezioni europee del 2019, solo il 51% dei cittadini europei aventi diritto ha effettivamente votato. Quattro anni dopo, il 47% degli europei si ritiene d’accordo sul fatto che la propria voce conti ancora nell'Unione europea. A un paio di settimane […]

Webinaire “Power-to-the-People” : “Qu’est-ce que les élections européennes signifient pour VOUS ?” – Mar, 28 mai 2024, 2000 CEST


La démocratie, c'est quand la voix du peuple compte. Mais voici le problème : lors des élections européennes de 2019, seulement 51 % des citoyens européens enregistrés sur les listes électorales ont voté. Quatre ans plus tard, lorsqu'on leur demande si leur voix compte dans l'Union européenne, 48 % des Européens ne sont pas d'accord. […]

Europe Calling 🇮🇹🇩🇪 “Finanza sostenibile: investire in un futuro climaticamente neutrale all’insegna dell’Agenda 2030”


Registrazione: Care*i amiche e amici, cari interessati! Non è un segreto: affinché l'Europa e il mondo diventano neutrali dal punto di vista climatico, scongiurando così i peggiori effetti sociali, ecologici ed economici del riscaldamento globale, è necessario riorientare in modo coerente anche i flussi finanziari. Lontano dagli investimenti fossili e verso le tecnologie verdi del […]

Europe Calling “Being successful against far-right populism” – 16 April, 18:30 CEST – Online & in Düsseldorf

Online +1 more

Recording here / Slides by Prof Decker here (in German) Dear friends! 2024 is a global super election year. So many people have never had a democratic election before. But if the polls are correct, populist parties in particular will be successful. Parties that often attack liberal democracy itself. But the success of the anti-democrats […]

Europe Calling “How can Europe’s green transition succeed?” – A European Citizens’ Dialogue with German Vice-Chancellor Robert Habeck


Recording Dear friends, Today's decisions will determine whether the transformation of the European economy and society towards climate neutrality will succeed within the next 20 years. These decisions determine the future competitiveness, good jobs and fair prosperity in Europe. One thing is clear: In the last 5 years, the EU has made more progress than […]

Europe Calling “(In)justice and populism – What role economic justice plays in the defence of democracy”


Recording here / Key scenes below: Dear friends! There is no democracy that is not currently struggling with attacks, especially from right-wing populists and right-wing extremists. Democracies worldwide are in retreat, and autocracies are on the rise, as the "Democracy Report 2023" shows. More and more people around the world are losing their rights, their […]

Webinar di Power to the People: “Chi decide in Europa? Per gli agricoltori, la natura e i consumatori”


Registrazione | Slides da scaricare: Isabel Paliotta / Vivien A. Schmidt Cari amici, In molti Paesi europei gli agricoltori stanno scendendo in piazza per chiedere un cambiamento delle regole che governano il sistema alimentare, dalle fattorie ai negozi, fino alla tavola - con un importante impatto sulle nostre vite. Il sistema alimentare altamente competitivo e […]

Webinaire “Power to the People” : “Qui décide en Europe ? … pour les agriculteurs, la nature et les consommateurs”


Enregistrement / Diapositives à télécharger : Isabel Paliotta / Vivien A. Schmidt Chers amis ! Dans de nombreux pays européens, les agriculteurs manifestent pour exiger un changement des règles qui régissent le système alimentaire, de la ferme jusqu'à l'assiette du consommateur, ce qui a des répercussions sur notre vie à tous. Le système alimentaire hautement […]

Europe Calling “Ukraine Update: What’s next two years after the full-scale invasion?”


Recording: Dear friends! Almost exactly two years ago, the Russian invasion of the previously unoccupied parts of Ukraine began. Since then, Ukraine has stood firm at great sacrifice. In doing so, it is not only protecting its own people, but also that of its neighbours and allies. Putin's crude "interview" with the US right-wing extremist Tucker […]

Europe Calling “The New Right in Europe: Their Plans, Strategies & Networks”


Recording: Dear friends, More than 1.5 million people in Germany have taken to the streets against right-wing extremism and the fascist hatred of AfD and its allies since the journalists at Correctiv uncovered the right-wing extremists' deportation plans (read it here). The unprecedented high turnout from big cities to small rural communities and with people […]

Europe Calling “The European Citizens’ Initiative(s): Victims of Big Meat?”


Recording / Slides download: Kikou | Holland | Berg Dear friends, 1.4 million. That's how many EU citizens have signed the European Citizens' Initiative "End the Cage Age". In doing so, they have backed the demand to end the agonising cage farming of farm animals in the EU. 180 million chickens, 112 million rabbits, 40 […]

Europe Calling live from the COP28 World Climate Conference


Register right here! Dear friends! The last decisive days of the World Climate Conference in Dubai have begun. Whether on the binding phase-out of oil, coal and gas, or on the ambitious target for renewables and energy efficiency: the resistance is huge - not least due to the historic number of over 2,400 fossil fuel […]

Online-Roundtable “Towards a Peoples’ Assembly for Europe? – The Democratic Odyssey in Conversation with EU Commission Vice-President Dubravka Šuica”


Dear friends, Something really big is happening: In September, the “Democratic Odyssey” was launched in Athens as a crowdsourced, decentralised and collaborative campaign developing a concept and strategy to institutionalise a permanent peoples’ assembly and participatory eco-system in the European Union. That could change European democracy at its core. The “Odyssey” is led by Florence […]

Europe Calling “A Just Green Deal? – Where does the EU stand in the socially just transition to a climate-neutral future?”


Recording: Dear friends! With the Green Deal, the European Union has taken important steps towards climate neutrality in the last four years. With the Climate Act, emissions trading, nature restoration and many other measures, a lot is happening. This is good for the climate. But people in Europe with low and middle incomes in particular […]

Europe Calling “Breaking the Right-Wing-Wave: Lessons learned from Poland and Spain”


Recording: Dear friends! In Poland, a pro-democracy and pro-European opposition won the election and promised to make the European stars shine again. In Spain, too, the much-vaunted shift to the right failed to materialise this summer. The experiences of both countries nourish the hope that the progressive parties will gain new momentum for the European […]

Europe Calling “Democracy knows no borders – A European Right to Associate”


Recording here: Dear friends! Single Market, Banking Union and Freedom of Movement. There are uniform European rules for many central areas of our daily life. But for the organisation of people in associations, there are 24 different sets of rules. A cross-border association in which people from different member states can get involved without having […]

Europe Calling “A New Constitution for Europe”


Recording: Dear friends! The European Union could soon be writing a new constitution. Why? Because the discussion about the reform of the EU is getting more and more traction: Next week (25 Oct), the Constitutional Affairs Committee (AFCO) of the European Parliament will vote on whether the EU Parliament should start the process for amendments […]

Europe Calling “Urgent webinar: The situation in Nagorno-Karabakh”


Register right here! Dear friends, The situation in the South Caucasus is a cause of great concern. Following the invasion of Nagorno-Karabakh by Azerbaijani troops, the Armenian population there is facing flight or expulsion. Many observers fear that Azerbaijan will now also attack Armenian territory in order to create a connecting corridor to Turkey. The […]

Europe Calling “The EU of the Future – Part 1: The Franco-German Expert Report on EU Reform”


Recording: Dear friends, Last year, the Conference on the Future of the European Union presented its recommendations for the future of the EU. It was preceded by an unprecedented participatory process: randomly drawn citizens from all EU countries, together with representatives of associations and EU institutions, discussed for a year in various constellations and finally […]

“Eco-ansia: come trasformare il senso d’impotenza in cambiamento?” – Un webinar di “Power to the People”


Ansia, disperazione, negazione… le persone reagiscono in modo diverso allo scenario sempre più certo della catastrofe climatica. Per decenni, i movimenti sociali hanno discusso quali strategie potessero mobilitare politicamente quelle emozioni, trasformando l’eco-ansia in attivismo. Gruppi come Extinction Rebellion, Just Stop Oil e Letzte Generation hanno mostrato sia il potenziale siai limiti degli attuali strumenti […]

« Fatigue climatique : comment dépasser le sentiment d’impuissance ? » – Un webinaire de « Power to the People »


« Anxiété, désespoir, déni… nous réagissons tous différemment aux risques toujours croissants de catastrophe climatique. Depuis des décennies, différents mouvements ont débattu de stratégies mobilisant politiquement ces émotions, transformant ainsi la fatigue en activisme et en actions directes. Des groupes comme Extinction Rebellion, Just Stop Oil et Dernière Génération ont montré à la fois le […]

“Climate Fatigue: How to turn powerlessness into change?” – A webinar by “Power to the People”


“Anxiety, desperation, denial, action … people react differently to the ever-growing odds of climate catastrophe. For decades, movements have debated strategies mobilizing those emotions politically: turning fatigue into activism and direct actions. Groups like Extinction Rebellion, Just Stop Oil and Letzte Generation have shown both the potential and limitations within the current climate activism toolkit. […]

Europe Calling “Artificial Intelligence & Democracy: Which way is Europe going?” – Tuesday 20 June 2023, 20:00 pm CEST


Recording: Dear friends,­ Artificial intelligence (AI) is rapidly advancing. Safeguarding fundamental rights and establishing a framework for its further development is crucial. The EU is taking up the challenge and is working on the world’s first comprehensive regulation of AI. Is it leading us in the right direction? Is regulating potential risks sufficiently, or which […]

Europe Calling “Anti-Climate Lobby – How fossil interests torpedo climate action & what we can do about it”


Recording / Download slides: Joeres / King / Deckwirth Dear friends, The numbers are clear: in Brussels there are ten times more lobbyists for fossil fuel companies and lobby groups than organised advocates for the protection of the environment, nature and climate. Financially, too, the fossil fuel lobby is outnumbers environmentalists & climate protectors 10 […]

Europe Calling “Elections in Greece – What’s at stake for Greece and Europe?”


Recording below / Slides here Dear friends, On Sunday, May 21, Greece goes to polls to elect a new national parliament. According to polls, it will be a race between the governing, conservative Nea Demokratia and left-wing opposition party Syriza, with smaller parties likely able to tip the balance. The outcome is uncertain. After the […]

Europe Calling Webinaire français-allemand : “Nucléaire : Nein danke ! Oui merci?”


Enregistrement / Transparents d'Anke Herold à télécharger Chers amis, chers intéressés, Depuis ce samedi, l'énergie nucléaire en Allemagne appartient à l'histoire et le pays est en route vers un avenir 100% renouvelable. La fermeture des trois dernières centrales nucléaires marque un grand succès pour la société civile et les initiatives citoyennes qui se sont battues […]

Europe Calling “Europe’s Industry Revolution?” with EU Commission Vice-President & Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager


RECORDING HERE: Dear friends, Europe's green industry needs to be strengthened - the climate crisis makes the sustainable transformation of our economy more urgent than ever and the global race for "net-zero" technologies is in full swing. In response to the US Inflation Reduction Act and to remain competitive, the EU Commission therefore presented the […]

Crime scene Ecocide – From misdemeanour to capital crime against humans and the environment?


Recording here: Dear friends, Is ecocide gaining momentum as a criminal offence for the mass damage and destruction of ecosystems worldwide? A large window of opportunity An outstanding opportunity is currently open available in the European Union: for the member states and the EU parliament, the revision of the EU Environmental Criminal Law Directive means […]

Europe Calling Live from the UN Climate Conference in Egypt “Disaster or glimmer of hope – What will the #COP27 achieve?”


Recording: Dear friends, The 27th UN Climate Change Conference currently underway in Egypt is overshadowed by Putin's war of aggression in Ukraine, the European energy crisis and the global comeback of coal, oil and gas. Is the climate conference threatening to be a disaster or is there still hope in these gloomy times? The global […]

Live from Prague: The Czech EU Presidency and the new European order


Register here! Dear friends, Since July, the Czech Republic holds the rotating presidency of the Council of the European Union. Well into the second half of its six month term dominated by the Russian war of aggression and the energy crisis, we are sending live from the Czech capital Prague in cooperation with the German […]

Europe Calling “ECT: Reform or Exit? – What next for the climate-damaging Energy Charter Treaty?” – Wed, 2 Nov, 8pm


Recording below | Download Slides here: Christina Eckes & Fabian Flues Dear friends, There is probably no other international treaty that hinders the energy transition as much as the Energy Charter Treaty (ECT). With it, fossil fuel companies have a sharp sword to protect their climate-damaging investments - against democratic decisions by citizens, parliaments and […]

Europe Calling Webinar: “SOS Amazônia – o papel das eleições brasileiras e da UE no Desmatamento na Amazônia”


Gravação de vídeo: Caros amigos, caras pessoas interessadas! No domingo passado, 2 de Outubro, o Brasil realizou eleições. O actual presidente de direita Jair Bolsonaro e os seus aliados fizeram melhor do que o esperado a nível federal e estadual. Antes da segunda volta das eleições para a presidência em 30.10.2022, o candidato, o ex-presidente […]

Fascism 2.0? – How the far-right is grabbing power in Italy & what it means for Europe


Recording below / Slides: Hermanin | Lindberg | Orlowski Dear friends, On Sunday, 25.09.2022, Italy will elect a new parliament. All polls point to a majority for the right-wing camp, led by Giorgia Meloni, the leader of the neo-fascist party "Fratelli d'Italia". This would mean that after the election in Sweden, another far-right government would […]

Webinar “Food, Climate & Biodiversity crises – What role can novel GMOs play in future agriculture?” – Thu, 7/7, 8pm CEST


Recording here: Dear friends, There could be a revolution in EU agricultural policy. The EU Commission is setting a new course for the Union’s genetic engineering law: certain novel techniques of new genetic engineering such as CRISPR could be exempted from regulation by the genetic engineering law in the future, and, thus, become more commonplace […]

Urgent webinar “Final decision on EU taxonomy! Will the EU Parliament classify gas & nuclear as sustainable?” – TODAY, 4/7, 8pm


Register here now! Dear friends, The time has come. This Wednesday, the EU Parliament will take its final vote on the EU Commission's proposal to classify gas and nuclear power as sustainable. The Economic and Environmental Committee of the EU Parliament had already clearly rejected this three weeks ago. Now, the all-important vote in the […]

Showdown EU Taxonomy – Will the EU Parliament stop the greenwashing of nuclear power & fossil gas?


Recording: follows soon Dear friends, The decision day is here: Next Tuesday (14/6), the European Parliament's Environment and Economics Committees will vote on whether nuclear power and natural gas should be given an eco-label, just as renewables - as Commission President Ursula von der Leyen wants. International investor organisations, EU member states, environmental associations and […]