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Europe Calling “Breaking the Right-Wing-Wave: Lessons learned from Poland and Spain”
3.November 2023 18:30 - 20:00

Dear friends!
In Poland, a pro-democracy and pro-European opposition won the election and promised to make the European stars shine again. In Spain, too, the much-vaunted shift to the right failed to materialise this summer. The experiences of both countries nourish the hope that the progressive parties will gain new momentum for the European elections in 2024.
We want to discuss this at this event: What does the change of government in Poland mean for Europe? What were the “game changers” in Spain? And what lessons can pro-European parties learn from the developments in both countries?
We discuss with:
- Urszula Zielińska, Member of Parliament (Sejm), co-leader of the Green Party in Poland and one of the deputy-chairs of the successful opposition alliance Koalicja Obywatelska (KO)
- Carlos Corrochano Pérez, Advisor to the Spanish Vice Presidency and a leading figure in the campaign team of the successful green and left-wing electoral alliance Sumar around Yolanda Díaz
- Alexandra Geese MEP, Deputy Chair of the Greens/EFA (Bündnis90/Die Grünen, Germany) & co-organiser of this webinar
- Moderated by Maximilian Fries, Executive Director of Europe Calling e.V.
Date: Friday, 03 November 2023, 18:30 – 20:00 CET (Brussels/Berlin).
The webinar will be simultaneously translated into German and English.
Join us and invite others. As always, there will be time for your questions and discussion.
With European greetings,
Maximilian Fries and all at Europe Calling