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Europe Calling “Anti-Climate Lobby – How fossil interests torpedo climate action & what we can do about it”
5.June 2023 19:00 - 21:00

Recording / Download slides: Joeres / King / Deckwirth
Dear friends,
The numbers are clear: in Brussels there are ten times more lobbyists for fossil fuel companies and lobby groups than organised advocates for the protection of the environment, nature and climate. Financially, too, the fossil fuel lobby is outnumbers environmentalists & climate protectors 10 to 1.
In this way, this “anti-climate lobby” has systematically torpedoed urgently needed climate protection measures for decades, not only in Brussels.
And in doing so, they are extremely successful – and adaptable. Now that the climate crisis can no longer be denied in many places, they are increasingly moving to block and slow down climate action. This includes vehemently promoting supposed solutions such as car e-fuels for the petroleum industry & combustion engine manufacturers or fake hydrogen-ready heating systems to preserve the gas operators’ multi-billion Euro networks. But also the equation of lobbying for the common good with lobbying for individual interests is a new strategy.
It has been clear for a long time that the anti-climate lobby and its political allies have seats at many cabinet tables around the world.
In this Europe Calling webinar, we want to take a close look at the strategies of the climate protection lobby in Europe and worldwide: What strategies do they use, especially in the digital space? Who is funding these strategies? What can resistance to the destructive influence of this lobby look like politically and socially? How can we strengthen the lobby for the common good? And how can citizens together form a counterweight against the climate protection lobby?
Our guests are:
- Annika Joeres is a climate journalist for Die ZEIT and Correctiv known for her cross-border climate research from France and, together with Susanne Götze, author of the book “Klimaschmutzlobby – Wie Politiker und Wirtschaftslenker die Zukunft unseres Planeten verkaufen” (Anti-Climate-Lobby – How Politicians and Business Leaders Sell the Future of Our Planet).
- Jennie King is Head of Climate Science and Policy at the prestigious Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD) in London and known for her analysis of the digital disinformation strategies of the anti-climate lobby.
- Alberto Alemanno is Jean Monnet Professor of European Union Law and one of the leading voices on the democratisation of the European Union. He founded the organisation “The Good Lobby” to support civil society.
- Christina Deckwirth is a political scientist and represents the lobby-critical organisation LobbyControl in the organisation’s Berlin office vis-à-vis politics and the media.
- Moderation: Maximilian Fries, Managing Director of Europe Calling e.V.
Date: Monday, 5.6.2023, 19:00 – 21:00 CEST (Brussels, Berlin).
The webinar will be simultaneously translated into German and English.
Join us and invite others who are interested!
With European greetings,
Maximilian Fries and all at Europe Calling