Recording / Slides: Gotelind Alber & Linda Scott
Dear friends,
Where women lead and shape, socio-ecological change is better, greener and fairer. From global business enterprises to local entrepeneurs, women make the difference.
But in the Corona pandemic in particular, it was women who bore the brunt: be it through unpaid and still far too often taken for granted care work in the family, or the government rescue programmes, whose billions, as current figures show, have mainly flowed into male-dominated sectors of the economy.
If the transformation of global economies towards climate justice is to be successful, women must play a central role in it.
In the next Europe Calling, on the occasion of Women’s History Month, we talk to three experts about this:
- Professor Linda Scott is an economist and author of the book “Double X Economy”, in which she analyses the central role of women as actors in the global economy. She is a founder of the Global Business Coalition for Women’s Economic Empowerment and currently Gender Economics Advisor to the World Bank, among other roles past and present.
- Gotelind Alber is an independent researcher and consultant specialising on climate and gender justice. She is co-founder and board member of the global network GenderCC-Women for Climate Justice.
- Alexandra Geese is a member of the European Parliament for the German Greens. During the negotiations on the EU’s Corona Recovery packages, she fought with the #halfofit campaign for a gender-equal distribution of the billions and presents a first, worrying analysis in this webinar. Alexandra will also moderate the evening.
Date: Thursday, 31.3.2022, 20:00 – 22:00 CET.
Please, join us yourself and invite others.
With European greetings,
Alexandra Geese MEP
Maximilian Fries for Europe Calling